Can I Use an HSA to Pay for Weight Loss Treatment?

Health saving account (HSA) benefits are often provided by employers, and an HSA is a tax-free way to save money for healthcare expenses. These accounts are especially helpful in paying for healthcare expenses not covered by traditional insurance.

While HSA funds can be used for a wide variety of medical costs, they can’t be used for everything. If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be wondering if weight loss treatments can be paid for using HSA funds.

Does Your Weight Loss Support Your Health?

For most medical expenses, the matter of whether it is eligible for HSA fund usage or not comes down to whether the treatment or product supports your overall health. In the case of losing weight, weight loss treatments like Rybelsus (semaglutide) may be a beneficial part of a medical treatment plan supported by your doctor.

If you plan to use HSA funds to pay for this medication, Rybelsus weight loss cost factors are mitigated because your doctor will need to prescribe Rybelsus, meaning it is accepted that the medication is a part of supporting your overall health.

Using HSA Funds for Supportive Therapies

Although you can mitigate Rybelsus weight loss cost factors by being prescribed the drug and using HSA funds to pay for your prescription, you may also be able to use HSA funds for additional supportive therapies. In combination with medications, regular exercise and proper nutrition are important.

HSA funds may be able to help pay for nutrition counseling if your diet has been a challenge, and you may also be able to pay for physical therapy coaching if you have medical challenges that prevent you from getting regular exercise. To learn more about your HSA plan and funds availability, talk to your human resources manager at work if you have an employer-sponsored HSA. If you have a private HSA, contact your plan manager for more details.

Disclaimer: The above is offered for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical or financial advice. Before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or medications, you are highly encouraged to talk to your doctor.

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